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About Us 

Welcome to the Official site of the Finch Society of San Diego County (FSSDC) Serving Southern California Finch and Softbill Breeders since 1973.  The FSSDC is for all aviculturists with a love for and special interests in all varieties of Finches and Softbills, from little Zebra Finches to giant Toucans.  Our members represent all aspects of aviculture: conservationists, collectors, breeders, show exhibitors, veterinarians, and pet owners. 


Club meetings are normally held on the 4th Sunday of every other month with topics representing the many subject’s members find of interest; rare species conservation, aviary construction, hand feeding babies, nutrition and feeding tips, locating wanted bird species, identifying sick and unhealthy birds and whatever is topical.  Once you join FSSDC, special benefits of membership are found in our monthly email newsletter .  It lists special events and the monthly speaker or program.  There is a raffle or auction of birds and bird related items at the "in-person" meetings. Only members can win live birds.  


For those members who show up before the "in-person" meeting program begins, there is a free “early bird” raffle.  Note: Only club members may buy and sell birds from one another, one hour before the "in-person" meeting. There are usually “snacks” at meetings generously donated by members. We invite anyone with a love of aviculture to visit our club and become a part of this enriching community.

Like any non-profit organization, The Finch Society of San Diego County cannot exist without the support of its membership.  We are a small, volunteer organization, and with that it's your interest, presence, dedication and patronage that really makes the FSSDC have the success it has! Funds raised via membership is one of the primary sources for our club to raise funds for monthly programming, guest speakers, and the special events that make it special for finch lovers.  Though a local club, FSSDC sponsors a major annual education event, Afternoon of Aviculture (AOA), along with the National Finch and Softbill Society at annual National Bird Show. You may wish to take a turn on the board of directors.

Please do consider the benefits of joining us as a Finch Society of San Diego Club member and volunteering to make our organization even more valuable. For more information, click the Membership link at the top of this screen.


Sally Huntington



Nancy Mann

Eric Cutler

Antonio Rodrigues
Vice President

Dennis Williams


Special Projects

2022-2023 Finch Society Board of Directors

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